Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Canadian Government Added 3 New Occupations to Global Talent Stream

STEM occupation total number of occupations reaches to 13 

The Global Talent Stream marked its first year anniversary by adding three new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics occupations to the list of in-demand programs. The in-demand occupations were added by the Canadian government. 

The three occupation added are Engineering Managers (NOC 0211), Architecture and Science Managers (NOC 0212) and Mathematics and Statisticians (subset of NOC 2161) in Global Talent Stream. 

Additionally, Electrical and Electronics Technologists and Technicians (NOC 2241) was removed from the Global Talent Occupations List due to the change in labour market conditions. 

The addition of 3 new occupations and removal of one occupation has brought in 13 total numbers of occupations to the Global Talent Stream List. 

The government of Canada also altered the requirements for Producer, Creative and Artistic Director, and Project Manager in the visual effects and video game fields (subset of NOC 5131), and Digital Media Designers (subset of NOC 5241) to reflect highly in-demand positions. 

The minimum required number of working experience has also been reduced from five years to three years. Source Link

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