Keep a check on your mail this week if you
have submitted an interest to sponsor form this week!
On 31st July, 2018 the Canadian
government said that it will start issuing additional invitations to potential
sponsors of parents and grandparents who submitted an interest to sponsor from
earlier this year.
The Immigration Refugees and Citizenship
Canada (IRCC) say it is aiming to receive 10,000 complete applications through
the Parents and Grandparents Program in 2018.
The first round of invitation was conducted
in March 2018 and the interested sponsors have time until May 25 to submit a
complete application for sponsorship. Invitations not resulting in applications
till this date were forfeited that resulted in new opportunities for the
potential sponsors to apply.
IRCC says the same randomized list that was
used to invite the first round of invitations will be used this week to invite
the potential sponsors.
The selected sponsors will have a 60-days
time duration to submit a complete application to sponsor their parents and
grandparents. The invitations will be given to the potential applicants in the
next few days, as told by IRCC.
It is suggested that anyone who has
submitted an Interest to Sponsor form between January 2 and February 1, 2018
and has not yet been invited to apply to check their email and junk mail
carefully throughout the week. Source Link